Saturday, May 16, 2009


I found the following "Bear Test" in Junction City Teddy Bears and I really liked it so I am adopting from their site. It is introduced in a humorous way and I like to share it with you all.
Thank you guys at JCTB.

There are a number of quite easy tests you can apply to check your 'beary-ness':

  • If you've been told you're too straight to be gay -- you might be a bear.

  • If you pre-fur some facial hair (yours and/or his) when you suck face --- you might be a bear.

  • If you dig Dolly 'cause she sings pretty and don't notice her shape --- you might be a bear.

  • If shaving is more likely to involve pubic vs. facial hair -- you might be a bear.

  • If you'd rather go to the auto show instead of the ballet -- you might be a bear.

  • If when you and your buddy go camping you pack only one sleeping bag -- you might be a bear.

  • If you're a meat and potatoes guy and hate quiche -- you might be a bear.

  • If you'd rather line dance than 'shake your booty' -- you might be a bear.

  • If you know what your mechanic is talking about -- you might be a bear.

  • If when someone says "Mary" you look around for the woman in the crowd -- you might be a bear.

  • If getting ready for a date on Saturday night means a shower and a fresh pair of jeans -- you might be a bear.

  • If you find yourself more interested in the faculty than the students of your local community college -- you might be a bear.

  • If you read (??) 'Men' and sometimes think even those guys are too young or too smooth -- you might be a bear.

  • If a guy smelling of honest sweat makes you light headed -- you might be a bear.

  • If you've fixed something around the house in the last month -- you might be a bear.

  • If you prefer lounging in your underwear and don't own a smoking jacket -- you might be a bear.

  • If you think pilsner glasses are for sissies and drink right from the can -- you might be a bear.

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