Wednesday, November 19, 2008


There is a dancing clown
at the bottom of the lake
There is an old maiden awaiting her alleged prince
at the bottom of the lake
There is a tormented soul
at the bottom of the lake
Atonement is found, yet there is no sinner…..

There is a cold hearted shepherd
at the bottom of the lake
There is a broken ego
at the bottom of the lake
There is the Holy temple of atheism
at the bottom of the lake
Blasphemy is revered, for it is my "chosen" religion….

I love you, I adore you, I am fond of you … I distaste you
All at the bottom of the lake
Who else lives down there????
We all ,with a cursed bliss, live at the bottom of the lake
Where is that lake?
It is in ME and YOU
After all who we are other than what we perceive ourselves to be !!!!!

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